eAppointments: Patient Discovery Provider and Practice Profile


This feature allows practices to enter the practice and provider details that will be shared with the partners within the Patient Discovery program.

Staff with the role of Practice Administrator and higher can access this feature.


Practice Details

  1. Within the eServices portal

  2. Go to Menu > Practice Managment                                                                                               

  3. Select Locations Management

  4. Select Practice Profile

  5. Select the Surgery Name

  6. At General Info – this information cannot be editable. This has been extracted from within D4W



    1. Website – enter Practice website URL

    2. Languages spoken at the Practice – list the languages

    3. Australian Business Number (ABN) – enter the practice ABN

    4. Tick if the Practice is a Medibank Choice Advantage Practice

    5. Practice Biography – enter details about the practice. This is a character limit of 1500
    6. Accepted Health Funds – list the health funds

Opening Hours

  1. Opening Hours - enter hours the practice is open. Leave blank for the days the practice closed                                                                                                                                                 

Practice Images

    1. Practice Images – up to six images of the practice can be uploaded


  1. Click Save



Provider Details

  1. Within the eServices portal

  2. Go to Menu > Practice Management                                                                                                 

  3. Select eAppointments Management

  4. Select Provider Profile

  5. At Details for Internal use

    1. Title – select from the drop list

    2. First Name – enter provider’s first name

    3. Last Name – enter the provider’s last name

    4. Provider number – enter provider’s number

    5. Gender - enter provider's gender

    6. Walks- ins are welcome – tick/untick

    7. Specialty – select from the list

    8. Click Save
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