-Add New Referrals


The Contact Manager holds all referral options that can be linked to a patient as Referred By (how did you hear about us?) or Referred To (referred to specialist). 

Access Contact Manager

  1. Go to Patient Records > Patients tab

    1. Recalls / Referral sub-tab > Referred By / To sub-tabs > Click notepad icon


Create a New Referral Source

A referral source is used to group referrals, for example Advertising. 

  1. Within the Contact Manager click Source

    1. Source: Enter the name of the source

    2. Show in Find/View menu: Tick to have a quick link to open Contact Manager with this source selected from the Find/View menu


Create a New Referral Category

A referral category is used to sub-group referrals within a source, for example Online Advertising.

  1. Within the Contact Manager select the Source to add the Category to

  2. Click Category

    1. Category: Enter the name of the category


Create a New Referred By

A referred by can be used for incoming and outgoing referrals, for example Google.

Some Categories - Guardians, Insurance Companies, Patients, Practice Staff - pull data from elsewhere and new referrals cannot be added here. 

  1. Within the Contact Manager open the Source and select the Category to add the referral to

  2. Click Referred By

    1. Auto-Selected: Tick if this referral should be added to the patients' file as soon as the Category is selected for a patient.
    2. Name: Enter the name of the referral

    3. Code: Enter a code for the referral

    4. The rest of the information is optional


Click here to make a referral category and/or referred by inactive. 

Click here to link a referred by (how did you hear about us) to a patient.

Click here to link a referred to (specialist) to a patient. 




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