-Treatment History by Tooth Report


The Treatment History by Tooth report allows users to gather information on treatment completed, conditions and notes entered in Charting, Treatment Plan and Treatment tab for a single tooth or multiple teeth.

Items must have a Tooth ID entered against them to show on the report. 


  1. Go to Patient Records

    1. 2D/3D Charting tabs > Charting menu > Treatment History by Tooth

    2. Treatment Plan tab > Treatment Plan menu > Treatment History by Tooth

    3. Treatment tab > Treatment menu > Treatment History by Tooth

      1. Enter the tooth / teeth ID

      2. Click OK

        1. Date: The date of the treatment/item

        2. Prv: The Provider associated with the treatment/item

        3. Items: The items entered, including tooth surfaces and numbers

        4. Notes: Any condition charted under treatment required or current condition and any clinical notes entered in Treatment Plan or Treatment Tab’s for items completed





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