-Preview all Clinical Notes


A report of all notes entered into a patient's treatment can be previewed.

Run the Report

  1. Go to Patients > Treatment tab

  2. Treatment menu > Preview all Clinical Notes

      1. All treatment notes entered for the patient will be reported

      2. Click Retrieve to filter Clinical notes
        1. Select date range
        2. Provider: Select provider
        3. Sort by: Select how clinical notes will be sorted by
        4. Item: Select items to be included
          1. All items: All item codes will be included
          2. Non-treatment: Items marked as non-treatment will only be included
          3. Non-Reporting: Items marked as non-reporting will only be included
          4. Table/Grid: To report on table/grid notes only
        5. Include Non-Treatment Items: Tick to include Non-Treatment Items
        6. Include Non-Reporting items: Tick to include Non-Reporting Items
        7. Custom: Click to select a particular item number/s 
        8. Tooth: Enter tooth number 
        9. Surf: Enter tooth surface
        10. Find text: Enter text to search for
        11. Click OK

Clinical notes shown as

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