Fast Notes are designed to help Providers limit the time spent typing Treatment notes. They are often referred to as 'quick descriptions' too.
Fast notes are available in the following areas, providing quick access to regularly used templates.
Treatment Plan
Laboratory Works
Add Note to Existing Notes Group
D4W/PSS has a list of default Notes Groups which are commonly used. See Add New Notes Group to add a new one to further categorise notes.
Go to Location Setup > Fast Notes tab
Notes Group: Select the group to add the new note to
Provider: Select For All Providers or an individual to add the note against
Click Add
Enter the fast note template. Press Enter key to make the note multi-line
Use the arrows on the left of the screen to move a selected note up/down in the list (optional)
Add New Notes Group
D4W/PSS has a list of default Notes Groups which are commonly used. If the existing groups are not suitable, new groups can be added.
Go to Location Setup > Fast Notes tab
Record menu > Edit Notes Group
Click Add
Name: Enter the name of the new group
Type: Select the type of notes that will be stored against this group
Use in Advanced Notes: Select Yes only if Advanced Notes is included in D4W/PSS version (past feature)
Print in Advanced Notes: Select Yes only if Advanced Notes is included in D4W/PSS version (past feature)
Sort Order in Adv. Notes: Select Yes only if Advanced Notes is included in D4W/PSS version (past feature)
Click Exit
Copy Notes to another Group
Existing notes can be coped from one Notes Group to another. This is used most when notes saved against an individual Provider should then be shared with others.
Go to Location Setup > Fast Notes tab
Notes Group: Select the group to copy notes to
Provider: Select the Provider to copy notes to
Record menu > Copy Fast Notes from...
Provider: Select the Provider to copy from
Select either individual notes, or Select All
Click OK
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