-Apply an Appointment Book Stencil to an Appointment Book Template


Once a Stencil has been created, it can then be applied to appointment book templates. Stencils can be applied to an individual or multiple books at once. 

Apply to an Individual Book

  1. Go to Appointment Book

  2. Options menu > Setup all Books / Click icon  mceclip0.png

    1. Select Linear Book

    2. Select the Book to apply the stencil to > Click Templates

      1. Set a start date for the changes by clicking Add

        1. Enter the date

        2. Click OK

      2. Select the template to apply from the Stencil list > Click Apply

      3. Select Whole Template > Click Apply to Book's Days

      4. Click Exit


Apply to Multiple Books

  1. Go to Appointment Book

  2. Options menu > Setup all Books / Click icon  mceclip0.png

    1. Select Stencil

    2. Click Books

      1. Location: Select the location if applicable

      2. Stencil: Select the stencil to be applied

      3. Click Add

        1. Book: Select the book

        2. Period: Select the period to make the change based on the books' current period

        3. Repeat for all books to apply the stencil to

        4. Click Apply to the Book's Days

        5. Click Exit

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