-Child Dental Benefit Scheme - Enter Payment


When a Child Dental Benefit Scheme (CDBS) payment is received, it should be entered against the relevant patient(s). If the payment covers multiple patients, it will be entered as one following the below instructions. 

  1. Go to Patient Records > Receipts tab

  2. Receipts menu > New Receipt / Click icon mceclip0.png

    1. Payment from: Insurance, Child Dental Benefit Scheme

    2. Amount: Enter the total amount received

    3. Payment Type: Enter the method the payment was received via

    4. Autoallocate Payments: Remove the tick

    5. Amount Paid: Enter the amount paid per patient

    6. Click Create


Setup Patient File for Child Dental Benefit Scheme

Child Dental Benefit Scheme - Claim via Bulk Bill

Child Dental Benefit Scheme - Claim via Fully Paid

Child Dental Benefit Scheme - Claim via Unpaid

Child Dental Benefit Scheme - Claim via Part Paid


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