-Schedule the Automated Running of Reports


Schedule Reports is a feature that allows for reports to be automatically generated and saved/printed/e-mailed to a selected location/printer/recipient. The same report can be setup multiple times with different parameters to be run at different intervals to meet your requirements. For example, Total Payments can be setup to run at the end of every day, week and month per Provider.

In order for the scheduled reports to run, D4W/PSS must be open. The schedule will fail if the database is shutdown or there is no client open at the time that the report is set to run.

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Operations menu > Schedule Reports

    1. Click Add New Report 

      1. Select the report to schedule

      2. Click Next

        1. Set the report parameters which will differ depending on the report selected, however the date will always be either relative or static

          1. Relative: Dates related to a period, e.g. Today/ Yesterday/ Week to Date/ Month to Date/ Quarter to Date/ Year to Date/ Last Week/ Last Month/ Last Quarter/ Last Year/ Last Financial Year/ This Financial Year.

          2. Static: Dates will be the same every time the report is generated, e.g. 01/01/2019

        2. Click Next 

          1. Save Report To: Select the format the report should be generated as

          2. Send Report To: Select where the report should be sent/saved, options are dependent on the format of the report as selected above

          3. Click Next

            1. Set the schedule for running the report

              1. One Time: The report will run on the date and time specified

              2. Daily: The report will run daily as of the date and time specified

              3. Weekly: The report will run every # weeks on the select day and time

              4. Monthly: The report will run on the months and days selected

            2. Click Finish


Edit an Automated Reports Parameters

Set E-mail Notification when Automated Run is Run

View Automated Report Run History

View Saved Automated Reports

Manually Run an Automated Report

Delete a Scheduled Automated Report

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