National Dental Plan: Retrieve Application in D4W


After submitting the application, update the response: (Approved/Declined/Cancelled/Communication Error) in D4W.

Submit NDP Application window 

An application can be retrieved while in the Submit Certegy Application window.

  1. Within the Submit NDP Application window

  2. Click Retrieve Response

  3. Select Exit to complete the transactionmceclip0.png
  4. A copy of the application will automatically save in Document Manager

NDP Applications windows for an individual patient

An application can be retrieved from the NDP Applications window. 

  1. Go to Patient Records > Find/View menu

  2. Select NDP Applications (Selected Family) 

  3. Select Get New Applications


NDP Applications windows for all patients

Retrieve and view all patient's application for the entire practice. 

  1.  Go To > NDP Applications (All Patients)

  2. Select Get New Applications 

  3. mceclip0.png
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