^Update Manual Appointment Confirmation with COVID-19 instructions


Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, it is advised dental practices update their Appointment Confirmation SMS/E-mail to give patients guidance regarding cancelling/rescheduling appointments.

With the setting to use templates for Appointment Reminders, update the SMS and E-mail template per the below instructions.

If more than 160 characters are required, setup to ignore 160 characters limit.

  1. Go to Debtors & Marketing > Mail Merge Setup tab

  2. Mail Merge Category: Appointments

    1. Go to Appointment Reminders

    2. Select the type to be modified

    3. Click the Edit icon against SMS Template mceclip0.png

    4. Modify the reminder template

    5. Go to Template menu > Update

    6. Template menu > Exit


Setup Manual Appointment Reminder SMS Template

Send Manual Appointment Reminders and/or Notifications


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