-Add a New Locum


A Locum is a person who temporarily fulfills the duties of another member of the same profession. When a Locum is set up in Dental4Windows, there are many factors that must be taken into account. 

Questions to consider:

  • Will the provider be paid by commission?

  • Is the Locum responsible for their own expenses?

  • How are payments to be reflected in Banking?

  • Is the Locum responsible for paying their own GST?

  • What security access will the Locum have?

Add the new Provider

  1. Go to Location Management > Providers tab

  2. Operations menu > New Record

  3. Read instructions and click OK to proceed

  4. Enter the details of the new Provider

  5. Add the following information (where applicable)

    1. Commission Rate

    2. Cost for Expenses

    3. Provider ID

    4. GST No (ABN)

    5. HICAPS Merchant ID

    6. Certegy Merchant ID (for National Dental Plan only)


The Commission rate and Cost for Expenses will depend on the agreement between the Locum and the Practice.

An Appointment Book may be set up, or the main Provider's Appointment Book may be used.

Other factors to consider include the creation of a username and password in Security, adding a new GST No. (ABN) and Letterhead & Logo. 

When the Locum is no longer working at the Practice, remove the tick from the Is Active checkbox. If an Appointment Book was created, it should also be made Inactive.


Bank Redirections must be added to show where payments are to be banked when treatment is performed by the Locum.

The practice will have the option to show payments for treatment performed by the Locum as being banked to the practice bank account, or may wish to separate the payments by adding a new Bank Account to represent the locum.


The following reports are recommended:

Accounting: Invoices and Receipts Over a Period Report (tick Commissions)

Commission Details on Invoices Raised/Commission Details on Receipts (depending on agreement)

GST Report

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