-Veterans Affairs (DVA) Online - Payments


After all claims have been processed and accepted the payments need to be reconciled.

  1. Go to Insurances > DVA Claims tab

  2. Transaction: Payments

  3. Highlight the claim to be reconciled

  4. Click Reconcile to accept the voucher


When the claim has been reconciled the details are visible by clicking on the Show deposited boxmceclip4.png

  1. A/C Name: Bank Account name

  2. BSB: BSB number

  3. A/C#: Account name

  4. Deposited: Total amount paid on the account

  5. Run Date: Date paid the amount

  6. Run Number: Reference number for this transaction

If the invoice wasn’t paid in full by Medicare the system will automatically create an adjustment discount.

Any discount created in Invoice tab will be created under DVA Online discount category.

  1. Go to Patients > Invoices tab

If the payment received is more than the amount sent to DVA, D4W will adjust the total due on the invoice. A note will be created to identify the change.

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