-How to use Rework Payments


This document is only for users that do not use the Prior Period Lock function in Dental4Windows / Practice Studio.

Rework payments allow the users to accurately allocate a previously received payment to a different provider when they are faced to redo work done by the previous provider.

This procedure works with the reversal feature turned off.


Setup Rework Item

  1. Go to Location Setup > Items tab

  2. Open MISCELLANEOUS Category > Miscellaneous SubCategory

  3. Click Procedure

  4. Enter Item Code and Description

  5. Go to Financial Details tab

  6. Tick Refund


Setup Rework Payment Methods

Two payment methods (Rework Payment and Rework Deduction) should be created for report purpose.

  1. Go to Location Setup > System Tables tab

  2. System Tables: Methods of Payment

  3. Click Add

  4. Enter Method of Payment: Rework Payment

  5. Enter Notes: Rework Payment

  6. Select Group: CHEQ

  7. Can be replaced with another paym. method: No

  8. Can replace another paym. method: No

  9. Allow Modify Details in Receipt Tab: No

  10. Enter Description for reporting: Rework Payment

  11. Repeat steps 2-9 for Rework Deduction


Setup Bank Directions

The payment methods created above need to be redirected to the relevant bank account for all associated Providers.

  1. Go to Location Management > Banks tab

  2. Select the Bank Account

  3. Tick the new payment methods in the Bank Redirections list

  4. Select the Providers to associate with the payment methods in the Providers list

  5. Click <<Add

 Apply Refund

  1. Go to Patient Records > Treatment tab 

  2. Itemised Invoices menu > New Refund of Payments for Treatment

  3. Select the item/s to be redone at the background

  4. Select Rework in Item droplist

  5. Select Rework Deduction in Payment Type droplist

  6. Click OKmceclip6.png

  7. The Rework item has been added automatically with a negative amount


  1. Go to Location Management > Bank Slips tab

  2. A refund cheque transaction slip has been created automatically as a separate bank slip


Redo the work

  1. Go to Patient Records > Treatment tab

  2. Enter item to be redone for another Provider

  3. Go to Itemised Invoices menu > New Invoice and Receipt

  4. Enter fee amount and select Rework Payment in Payment Type

  5. Click Create

    Now the Rework Payment counteracts the Rework Deduction made during the refund thus it will not appear unbalanced in banking.


Rework Reporting

The following reports will show the Rework deductions and payments for all providers involved in the patient's account.

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Open Total Receipts report

  3. Open Total Receipts with providers report

  4. Open Accounting: Invoices and Receipts over a period report

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