Getting Started with Teledental


Teledental was created for patients seeking urgent care from a dentist but are unable to attend the practice. A consultation may be conducted by audio or through a videoconferencing platform. The videoconference services are the preferred approach for substituting a face-to-face consultation. 


Teledental works with the Integration between D4W eAppointments and Health Engine. The appointments are set up in eAppointments to be published on Health Engine Website.

 eAppointments Initial Setup

The practice has the opportunity to set preset slots for the Teledental consultation allowing only certain appointments times during the day.

Video: Link Preset Slots to eAppointments

Assign Appointment Reason to Providers

Teledental appointment reason is available to add to the Provider's Appointment Reason list

Assign eAppointment Appointment Reasons to Providers

Create a New Item Number

ADA has added item number 919 Teleconsultation to the Australian Schedule of Dental Services and Glossary for this service.

Add New Item Code to Existing Category/ Sub-Category


Prior to the scheduled appointment, the patient will be sent a questionnaire to ascertain the reason for the consultation. This questionnaire can be created with eForms

 Video: Create and Manage eForms

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