eAppointments: Setup Appointment Reason


Setup the Appointment Reasons for patients to select when scheduling their eAppointments. This helps filter the list of available appointments and notify the practice of the main reason for the booking.

  1. Within the eServices portal

  2. Go to Menu mceclip1.png > Practice Management

  3. Select eAppointments Management

  4. Press Appointment Reasons List

    Before adding a reason check that the reason is not available.

    1. Enter the reason in the Search bar 

    2. A list of reasons that match the search reason will be displayed

Add Reason

  1. Select Add

  2. Enter the Reason

  3. Select Add

A prompt will appear confirming the new reason has been added successfully

Delete a Reason

The reason can only be deleted if the reason has not been used.

  1. Select the reason

  2. Select delete

  3. A prompt will appear to ensure if you want to proceed with the deletion

  4. Select Yes or No

A prompt will appear confirming the reason has been deleted successfully.

If the reason cannot be deleted a window will appear stating the reason.

Edit a Reason

A reason can only be edited if it is not associated with a Provider book

  1. Select the reason

  2. Select Edit

  3. Make changes to the reason

  4. Select OK


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