Setup and use Automation for Appointments, Recalls, Debtors, Queries and Reports.
General Automation
- Why Switch to Automation
- Create Automation Batches Per Location
- View Completed Batches in Automation
- Update the patient's Recall Date when Cancelling or Deleting Appointment
- Managing Letter and Label Batches in Automation
- Preview SMS Templates in Automation
Appointment Automation
- Setup and Send Automated Patient Check Out SMS
- Send Automated Daily Appointment Reminders
- Send Post-Visit Survey Communication
- Setup Automation Appointment Reminders for Patient's with multiple Appointments
- Send Automated New Patient Welcome Messages
- Setup Automated Patient Arrival SMS
Automated Recalls
Automated Queries
Automated Reports
- -Schedule the Automated Running of Reports
- -Edit an Automated Reports Parameters
- -Set E-mail Notification when Automated Report is Run
- -View Automated Report Run History
- -Manually Run an Automated Report
- -View Saved Automated Reports