-Close an Appointment Book


An appointment book can be closed if it is no longer going to be used, for example the dentist has left the practice but there are still appointments booked that need to be moved. Once the closing date is set, appointments booked after that date will be assigned with a chosen Appointment Status and a report of these appointment will be generated. 

This process is not reversable or editable once completed.

Before closing an Appointment Book

An appointment status has to be set up and linked to Status when closing appointment book action.

Close Appointment Book  

  1. In Appointments > Options menu > Setup all books...

    1. Select the appointment book to Close
    2. Select Close Book
    3. Enter User name and Password (if enabled)
  2. Close book

    1. Closing date: Enter date appointment book is to be closed from (a new period will be added to that appointment book template)
    2. Back color: Select a colour from the drop list for the appointment background
    3. Text color: Select a colour from the drop list for the text
    4. Text: Type in the text required for preset slot e.g. Closed 
    5. Click OK

  3. Confirm changes

    1. A confirmation box will come up as to when the changes will be made from and what preset status will be applied to booked appointments in the closed book
    2. Click OK

  4. A Status report (non financial) report will be generated of patients that still have appointments booked in the closed book.

    1. Report Details

      1. Patient: Name of patient with a booked appointment
      2. DOB: Date of Birth
      3. Phone number: Phone number saved to patients file
      4. Date: Date appointment is booked
      5. Time: Time of booked appointment
      6. Duration: Length of time appointment is booked for
    2. Click Export or Print
  5. Once all appointments have been moved to another book, the closed appointment book can be marked as inactive

  6. If using eAppointments unlink book that is synced

Video: Setup Security

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