-Search for a Patients Appointment from Appointments


Booked appointment for a patient can be searched for from Appointments. 

  1. Go to Appointments

  2. In the Options menu select Search for a patient... or select Search icon

  3. Enter patients details e.g. Surname, select Find

  4. Select correct patient                                                                                         

  5. Select in Search beginning from when the search will start from e.g. Today or Tomorrow or a particular date 

  6. Tick in inactive books to include appointments booked in appointment books marked as inactive

  7. Select Search

  8. Booked appointments will be listed

    1. Book name: Name of appointment book 

    2. Prv: For provider

    3. DOW: Day of week

    4. Date: Date appointment is booked on

    5. Start: What time appointment starts

    6. Dur.: How long appointment is booked for

    7. Notes: Notes written on appointment

  9. Select Print... to Print or E-mail list of patients appointment/s

  10. To view patient appointment in the appointment book, highlight appointment > Select Go to         

  11. Appointment will be selected in the background                                                                                     

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