-Find Vacant Slots


The user can search for vacant slots within the Appointment Book.

  1. Go to Appointment Book

  2. Options menu > Find empty slot or click  mceclip2.png

    1. Search from date: Select the date range to search

    2. Days ahead: Will be calculated by the date selection, or enter a number

    3. Duration: Enter the duration of slots to search

    4. Slot type: Select the type of slot - Vacant appointment time or pre-booked slots

    5. Appointment books: Select the books to search

    6. Start at: Select the time of day to start the search

    7. End at: Select the time of day to end the search

    8. Including days: Select days to be included in the search

    9. Show inactive books as well: Tick to include any books that have been made inactive

    10. Click Find
    11. List of available appointments will show, click desired time and click Go To

Find Empty Slots mode

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