-Key Performance Indicators Report - Summary


The report is a summary report and pools data from a variety of areas of D4W/PSS and combines them into one report. There are 11 KPI’s measured, and each KPI can be shown as a graph or figure.

Ensure the required features and practices are implemented for the report to calculate correctly.


Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Group: Business Intelligence Module

  3. Open Key Performance Indicators Report - Summary

    1. Report for

      1. Providers: The report options will include Providers

      2. Location: The report options will be based on Locations

      3. Clinic: The report will be based on all Providers and Locations

    2. Financial Year

      1. Current: The report will be based on the current financial year

      2. Previous: The report will be based on the previous financial year

      3. Custom: Select the financial year to base the report on

    3. Show Results as

      1. Report: The report will be shown as figures only

      2. Graph: The report will be show as a graph only

      3. Both: The report will show figures and graphs

    4. Location: Select the location if applicable; this is only shown if Providers or Location is selected above

    5. Providers: Select the Providers to base the report on; this is only shown if Providers is selected above

    6. Show inactive providers: Tick to include inactive Providers in the report

    7. For calculations, use the 'Schedule of Providers': Tick if Providers share one appointment book and Schedule of Providers is setup

    8. Click OK


Report Details

Each indicator is explained below the images.

Clinical Hours






Appointment book hours assigned as clinical work time

Indicator based on:

  • Open/empty times

  • Appointed times

  • Breaks and preset slots marked as work time (Yes)

  • Patient checkout time (if later than day finish time)







The total value ($$) of Items recorded in Treatment

When an item number is entered in the Treatment tab with a fee it will be added to the gross production calculation.

An invoice or payment does not have to be processed for it to be included in the gross production; unaccounted treatment items will be included also.

This calculation relies on the amount recorded under the treatment tab in the fee field, no discounts or refunds will affect it.

Production per Hour





Production (KPI #2) / (divide by) Clinical Hours (KPI #1)


Production provider 1= $9500,    

Clinical hour’s provider 1 = 200,

Net Prod / Clinical Hrs = $47.50

New Patients Seen



A patient is calculated as a new patient when at least one item number is entered to the Treatment tab for the first time.

When the first item number is added to Treatment, this also automatically populates the first seen date in the Patients tab.

Collection %



Payments Collected / (divide by) Production (KPI #2) x 100

This measure will only report on payments that are allocated to treatment, no unallocated deposits will be considered.

Unallocated deposits will not be calculated.

Percentage of Patients Reappointed








A percentage of appointments attended that made another appointment

Each unique patient will have checked out with (or without) another appointment scheduled.

A patient is recognised as reappointed when there is a time and date specified in the same book. If the secondary appointment (reappointed), is booked for the same provider, the report calculates the percentage against that provider. If the secondary appointment is for a different provider the report calculates the percentage against location.


200 unique patients that month in the appt book and 50 of them re-appointed in the same appointment book, 50 divided by 200 = 0.25 = 25%

Amount Paid per Unique Patient Seen in the Past 6 Months







Payments collected ($$) amount / Work Days of last 6 months

This measure will only report on payments that are allocated to treatment, no unallocated deposits will be considered.

Work days are calculated from the Appointment Book and are those not marked as a holiday that will be included.

To ensure this calculation is correct setup appointment book templates so days not working are marked as a holiday. 


Provider 1, 128 patients seen, 18 work days that month:  128 /18 = 7.11

Average Appt Time Min










The average length in minutes of each appointment

The duration (in minutes) of each appointment can be determined from the Check In and Checkout times.

To edit missed entries, go to Appointment Book > Options menu > Appointment Time Data


Appt 1 = Check in time = 10:00AM, Checkout time = 11:00AM, appointment treat time = 60 min

Appt 2 = Check in time = 11:00AM, Checkout time = 11:30AM, appointment treat time = 30 min

Appt 3 = Check in time = 11:30AM, Checkout time = 12:30PM, appointment treat time = 60 min

Average treat time = (60+30+60) / 3 = 50min

Active Patients




A count of unique active patients over the last 18 Months

An active patient is any patient who has had treatment performed (item/s added to treatment tab) in the last 18 months.

Ensure any non-treatment item numbers (e.g. FTA) marked as non-treatment so those patients are not calculated.

Number of Key Items Done per Last 100 Patients




Count of important items as defined by user

User can select from a list of item number which they consider important and wish to include in this measure (see setup section of this article).

The report will then count the amount of times (as a whole) that these key items have been performed in the period.

Attrition Rate









Percentage of unique patients seen in a one month period 18 months ago that don’t appear in the appointment book since that month


October 2009, Prv 1 patients seen: 344

212 patients from Feb 2009 were seen again

April 2011, Prv 1 attrition rate: 344 – 212 = 132  

When the attrition rate is calculated for an individual provider, we report on those persons individual attrition rate irrespective of the fact that a patient may have seen another provider.

When the attrition rate is calculated for the whole clinic, we report on that clinics overall attrition rate and don’t consider the individual providers. (As if the whole clinic was operating as one provider.)


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