-Appointed Patient Statistics Report - Business Intelligence Module


This report allows the user to view the number of appointments that contain a specified status(s) within a selected period.

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Group: Business Intelligence Module

  3. Open Appointed Patient Statistics Report

    1. Date Range: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the location from the drop list if applicable

    3. Group Set/Book Name: Select the group(s) or book(s)s to base this report on

    4. Group Set/Book Name Radio Button: The group(s) or book(s) to include in the report

    5. Show inactive books: Tick to show/include appointment books that have been made inactive

    6. Show inactive locations: Tick to show/include locations that have been made inactive (in multi-location environment)

    7. Appointment Status: Select status(s) to base this report on

    8. Consolidated report: Tick checkbox to show consolidated layout (example shown later in this article)

    9. Click OK



Report Details

The report layout depends on whether the Consolidate Report checkbox is ticked.

  1. Consolidated displays a total amount of appointments containing at least one of the selected status(s) across all appointment books/groups and Locations selected

  2. Non-Consolidated displays the number of appointments containing at least one of the selected status(s) per appointment book/group.

The report categorises the number of appointments using the below labels.


Name of selected location/s


Name of the appointment book/group


Total amount of appointments for male and female patients. Gender is setup in Patient Details > Gender droplist


Total amount of appointments for adults and children. DOB determines this. Change the age of Adult/Child in Location Setup > General tab > Group: Patients

New Appt

Total amount of new patient appointments in the selected period. The patient’s first seen date determines if it is a new appointment. First seen date can be modified in Patient Details > First Seen, but it is usually created automatically when the first treatment item is entered in Treatment tab.

Follow Up

Total amount of existing patients’ appointments in the selected period. The date of the appointment being after the patient’s first seen date determines it is a follow up appointment.


 Total amount of appointments before/after midday (12pm).


Total amount of appointments for the selected reporting period.

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