The following features are required for the Key Performance Indicators Report - Summary to calculate correctly.
Appointment Status Types
For this report to calculate some KPI's, Failed to Attend, Unable to Attend and Arrived/Checked In/Out data must be recorded. Ensure each are setup. |
Use the Arrived, Checked-in and Checked-Out Feature
For the report to calculate exactly how long each visit was, and when the appointments ran longer than planned time, this feature must be used. |
Link Providers to their Appointment Books
For the report to know which book belongs to which Provider, it must be set against the Providers file. |
Schedule of Providers
If Providers share an appointment book, the Schedule of Providers must be used. |
Breaks and Preset Slots Work Time
When adding a Break or creating a new Preset Slot, the Work Time must be selected correctly, for example Staff Meeting = Yes, Leaving Early = No |
Non-Treatment and Non-Reporting Items
Not all item numbers are treatment and therefore should be setup so when they are used on a patient the report doesn’t think the patient has been seen on that day. For example, a new patient fails to attend and an the FTA item is added to their treatment. If the FTA item is not marked as non-treatment, the report will calculate them as a new patient. |
Key Items List
A group of items can be selected to include on the report and will calculate how many times they have been performed on the past 100 patients.
Report and Graph Settings
The report can be viewed as both a report (figure) and graph, and the indicators to include can be preset.
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