-KPI Items Statistics Report 01


This report compares and counts items done Provider to Provider. 

The report can compare based on Professions, set in the Providers tab. 

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Group: Business Intelligence Module

  3. Open KPI Statistic Report 01

    1. Date: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the Location to base this report on, if applicable

    3. Provider Position: Select if the report should be based a specific Position/Profession

    4. Procedures: Select the items to include in the report

    5. Show inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive Providers in the report

    6. Location Breakdown: Tick to split the report by Locations, if applicable

    7. Click OK


Report Details

The report will show each item number and Provider included, with a total quantity of times items were completed, and a total for all Providers.


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